Anthony’s Hardware Store started paying for ads to attract more customers. Using ad extensions and the right ad text, he entices people to click. Every advertisement is linked to the homepage of Antonio’s website.

His ads aren’t bringing him the results he wants over the course of a month. His marketing friend tells him after talking with him that custom landing pages are needed for his ads. Where can Anthony go to do what he needs to?

You may also wonder how to create landing pages that will benefit your paid advertising efforts, if you’re like Antonio. In this article, you’ll find a list of five landing page creation tools you can use for creating custom landing pages, including:


1. Unbounce

On our list, Unbounce is the best landing page builder. Unbounce is perfect for people without web development experience. Users can easily build landing pages with it. Unbounce is a good tool to use for creating landing pages because:

Building landing pages with drag-and-drop: The drag-and-drop builder on Unbounce allows you to create landing pages without any coding knowledge. While adding elements, you can see the page in real-time.Hundreds of templates: With Unbounce, you can choose from over 100 landing page templates. The templates are mostly mobile and desktop friendly, and are generally responsive. This tool makes it easy to create landing pages that reflect your business.Marketing tool integrations: Over 1,000 marketing tools are integrated with Unbounce so that you can create a seamless process for collecting data whether you’re using a CRM tool, such as CRMROI, or a marketing automation tool, such as MarketingCloudFX.Built-in A/B testing: Are you interested in seeing if you can drive better results by changing a few elements? You can use Unbounce’s A/B testing function. By tweaking the copy and headlines, you will be able to find the most effective landing page.

2. Leadpages

We will now examine Leadpages, the next landing page builder in our list. Use this do-it-yourself tool to build conversion-focused landing pages that drive results for your business. Among the features are:

Conversion guidance: In order to drive conversions, you need to build landing pages that will drive traffic. Leadpages gives you a conversion-focused feature that will help you predict how your page will perform, so that you can make changes to increase conversions.Fast load speeds: Learning how to develop a landing page requires you to take into account the loading speed. Use Leadpages for a fast loading experience since they prevent loading times from being an issue.Unlimited page publishing and lead collection: If you want to create pages for new campaigns or generate more leads, some landing page tools charge more. Despite this, Leadpages is free to use, there’s no limit to the number of pages you can create or leads you can collect.Additional features: You can integrate many features into Leadpages, making it one of the best landing page tools. Countdown timers and video players can be included on your landing page to help your business succeed.

3. Instapage

Your audience can easily load fast-loading landing pages using a landing page tool like Instapage. It is easy to build landing pages using this builder by dragging and dropping elements. Among the many reasons why you should use Instapage is that it lets you do the following:

Customizable layouts: If you use Instapage as a landing page tool, you’ll have access to over 500 pre-designed layouts for your page business. You can easily find a template that fits your brand’s unique style on Instagram.Mobile-friendly landing pages: Your landing pages should be mobile-friendly since people will access them from different devices. Instapage customers have access to mobile-friendly, scalable landing pages. With Instapage, you can easily customize and scale your landing pages. The page blocks on this page can all be resized to whatever size you need with just a click – as you can see on this page.

4. Carrd

The next tool on our best landing page tools list is Carrd. Rather than being a landing page tool, Carrd is a builder of one-page sites that can be used to design landing pages. Using Carrd is a great option if you’re looking for a single tool that meets all your requirements.

If you decide to use Carrd as your landing page tool, you will receive the following:

Responsive design: You need to build landing pages that adapt to any device users are using. You need to build landing pages that adapt to any device users are using. Carrd landing pages are attractive and responsive. Carrd also provides a form builder so that you can create forms for your landing pages with ease. Forms such as contact forms and payment forms can be included on your landing page to earn conversions.Template options: You can choose from over a dozen templates to build your landing page with Carrd. Starting from scratch allows you to design a design that is unique to your brand.

5. Lander

You can benefit from creating landing pages with Lander. By using Lander’s editor, you can create your own landing page quickly, drag and drop elements for custom landing pages, and see how your pages will look for your audience. Here are five reasons why Lander is the best landing page tool for your company:

A/B test: You want to make your landing pages as effective as possible to get the most conversions. The Lander app allows you to test as many landing pages as you wish. You can test things like copy, CTAs, and images.Dynamic Text Replacement (DTR): Using DTR, your landing pages are tailored to match the keywords and phrases in your pay-per-click (PPC) advertisements. Your landing pages can easily match the version of your ad your audience sees if you use dynamic keyword insertion (DKI) with PPC ads.Analytics: Lander makes it easy for you to gain insights into how your landing pages are performing. You can connect your Google Analytics Insights into how your landing pages are performing regarding how your landing page performs.Tailored landing page templates: It is easy for you to find a landing page template that fits your needs when you use Lander’s categorized landing page templates. LANDER provides landing pages for a variety of purposes, including services and products, coming soon pages, and events.

Expert Tips

Though there are many tools that can help you create a Landing Page but you need to sit down on the drawing board to see what works best for you or what is the message that you want to pass on to your visitors via your Landing Page Design. If you wish Professional Advise and looking for a Landing Page Design Company you can checkout plans offered by CSTech or reach out to me on